Sunday, May 16, 2010

And so it begins....

What a wonderful weekend. Just coming off the musical Children's Letters to God at church.  I was the vocal director and it was wonderful.  I missed doing theatre soo much!  We had a cast of about 35 8-18 year olds.  What a blessing they all were.  J-dog had a leading role and was amazing, I was so proud.  Z-man had several parts and rocked everyone of them. (and B was a superstar usher!!)  It was an exhausting, uplifting, wonderful weekend.  And now the week begins.

This week is looking very much like the last chapter of a really well written novel, where all the ends get tied up and  the heroine emerges a better person who has grown and changed and truly come into herself.  At least that is how I would like to write this week. 

Tomorrow begins the end of the preschool year.  We will "graduate" 26 cherubs tomorrow and 20 on Tuesday.  Then it's class picnics and goodbyes.  I.!  I am not sure whether I will be back in the fall.  It really does feel like the last chapter.

 Tomorrow night, I interview.   For the job that makes me feel the most like me.  For the job that 2 years ago, over coffee with great girlfriends, I tearfully said, I would give up the shop in a heartbeat to be back in that position.  And the job I now find myself an interview away from. 

There are a few other ends that will hopefully find resolution this week.   Ends that I would not have chosen along my path, nor am proud of, but experiences that have taught me a lot about the cost of dreaming, the strength of my character, and made me appreciate all that I do have.  Not going to say anymore, except that some of life's lessons are bitter pills to swallow, but God always has your back and things are better on the other side.

So it is a weeks of endings and hopefully beginnings.  I am so ready to start a new ride, in a new direction.  May it be so!

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